course oh course...

hari ni sy kebosanan..tbe2,kuar 1 idea utk tulis psl my future career(hopefully laa..)..atau dlm bahasa arabnye..amali..=)..he3..atamanna an akuna muhandisan au thobiban..itu dulu..walakinna..skrg dah tetapkn cite2 yang saye betol2 nak..that is a biotechnologist,specialise in red biotechnology..amiin..
sekarang,sy nak cite la sikit pasal pe yang y nk jadi..

Biotechnology => a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocessing in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields requiring bioproducts.

faham kan?in details...

Red biotechnology => the use of organisms for the improvement of medical processes. These includes the designing of organisms to manufacture pharmaceutical products like antibiotics and vaccines,the engineering of genetic cures through genomic manipulation, and its use in forensics through DNA profiling.

tu definition je..kalau korang nak twu,biotech ni sgt2 la luas..n listed as most demanding jobs in US..apatah lagi negara kite yg sedang membangun ni..credits to Farah Farisha kerana meng'introduce'kan this course to me..syukran 'ala kulli hal..that's all from me..any inquiries,please submit below..=)
salam sayang..


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